Over the last 50 years Loto Preziosi has been portraying visions and aesthetic concepts of different cultures, adding the touch of Made in Italy.
These jewels draw inspiration from the amazing land of Africa, a melting pot of cultures, traditions, colours, that is bound to nature through its magnetic suggestions, an interweaving of Western and African influences.
These enchanting jewels are spreading the same energy that swarms in the heart of Africa.
These jewels draw inspiration from the suggestions of charming countries The Arabic world with its ornamental style, its extraordinary beauty, its magnificence and wealth goes along with the classical elegance and creativity of “Made in Italy”, so that we can create refined, magnificent, but light jewels.
These jewels have a classical and traditional style, they draw inspiration and they are created by the great beauty.
They are simple, popular, modern, they are symbols of memories, anniversaries and meetings, the fashion-chic for every style, for every day and for special occasions, destined to shine and bring good luck.
Progetto co-finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
Menzione Registro nazionale aiuti RNA : Gli aiuti di stato e gli aiuti de minimis ricevuti dalla presente impresa e registrati nel Registro nazionale degli aiuti di stato di cui all’art. 52 legge 24/12/2021 nr. 234, a cura dei soggetti che concedono o gestiscono gli aiuti, sono consultabili al seguente link : https://www.rna.gov.it/RegistroNazionaleTrasparenza/faces/pages/TrasparenzaAiuto.jspx inserendo il codice fiscale nell’apposito campo di ricerca.
Via del Gavardello, 57
52100 Arezzo – Italia
Tel. +39 0575.382737
Fax +39 0575 383058
P.IVA/VAT/COD. FISC. IT00326790516
N. REA AR70713
Capitale Sociale 2.500.000,00 € i.v