Over the last 50 years Loto Preziosi has been portraying visions and aesthetic concepts of different cultures, adding the touch of Made in Italy.

Our versatility allows us to develop new technologies, to conceive new machines in order to achieve a certain effect.

It is in our DNA always trying to make progress, to offer new items to our customers, who have evolved many times during these fifty years.

Our firm ability to change machines and manufacturing allows us to stay ahead and create sophisticated collections, customizing the designs depending on the needs of each customer and playing with calibres and types of different manufacturing, so that we are able to create light, original, refined and coloured jewels.

All our production processes are entirely in-house, from the drawing to the design of models of jewels, and even of machines for making them; to the casting, the electroforming, the finishing, the setting, the galvanic treatment, the quality control and the marketing.

Our commercial and financial soundness have always allowed us to invest in design and technology, in order to answer the needs of our customers, enhancing our productivity and our trading. Our company is competitive, reliable and it sticks seriously to a high quality standard.

Progetto co-finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020

Menzione Registro nazionale aiuti RNA : Gli aiuti di stato e gli aiuti de minimis ricevuti dalla presente impresa e registrati nel Registro nazionale degli aiuti di stato di cui all’art. 52 legge 24/12/2021 nr. 234, a cura dei soggetti che concedono o gestiscono gli aiuti, sono consultabili al seguente link : https://www.rna.gov.it/RegistroNazionaleTrasparenza/faces/pages/TrasparenzaAiuto.jspx inserendo il codice fiscale nell’apposito campo di ricerca.


Via del Gavardello, 57
52100 Arezzo – Italia
Tel. +39 0575.382737
Fax +39 0575 383058

P.IVA/VAT/COD. FISC. IT00326790516
N. REA AR70713
Capitale Sociale 2.500.000,00 € i.v


Trattamento Dati